الرئيسية | Vagues | The Sad Sky | Eng. Santosh Kumar Pokharel – Nepal

The Sad Sky | Eng. Santosh Kumar Pokharel – Nepal

Santosh Kumar Pokharel is globally acclaimed writer and a multilingual Poet, Editor, and Translator from Nepal. He writes in four different international languages and has written thousands of poems in Nepali, English, Hindi, and Russian. His poems have been translated into twenty-seven languages of the world so far. Poet Pokharel, a senior civil engineer by profession, completed his master’s in engineering from Russian Friendship University Moscow. His poetic journey started at the age of 13

Pokharel’s poems range from romantic lyrical to metaphysical, satirical to tragic and philosophical. Most of his poems have been found written on Love, Beauty, Nature and Human Compassion and Livelihood. He focusses on women, children, peace, and poverty. Winner of several international recognitions the poet has been found contributing to the global friendship among the poets

Writer of five books and the founder of International Forum of Literature Group, Poet Pokharel is laureate of some highly prestigious international awards as Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Creative Writing 2018, Nikolai Gogol International Award “The World of the Borderlands” for his contribution to peace through literature from Ukraine for 2021. Laureate of 1st class Anton Chekhov International Award for Landscape lyrics from Yalta, Crimea 2020 and Poet polyglot Award 2021 from Sevastopol, Crimea. He was conferred upon Ambassador for Peace Award from Universal Peace Federation, 2020

For his contributions to Friendship between peoples and special achievement in international activities, has been conferred upon International Commonwealth of People’s Diplomacy Special Award from Kazakhstan, 2021

Very recently Poet Santosh Kumar Pokharel has been awarded a high recognition of The World Poet and Translator by Anton Chekhov’s Autumn 2020, Crimea, Russia

Very recently more than dozen of poems of poet Pokharel have been translated into Chinese and published in papers and anthology and been awarded recognitions

Elder son of Ambika Prasad Pokharel and Ms. Sharada Devi, poet Pokharel has two daughters Saru Pokharel and Shruti Pokharel

We are happy to publish his poems and his short biography to let our readers know about this poet polyglot of world repute

pokharel.santosh@gmail.com (FB). International Forum of Literature. @poetsantosh. #poetsantosh

The Sad Sky

My blue sky turned black today

Won’t let rays their way

I am left in dark here

He won’t any attention pay

Tell me how shall this way I stay

I sit here calm

As my sky is sad today

He won’t blink to me any more

I don’t feel peace in heart’s core

My sky is shy and silent

He doesn’t respond to me as of yore

Today I lack peace in my heart

That came from his heavenly stores

My earnest plea is being replied

With showers from his eye-pores

Clouds! you shall fly away

And give my sky way

He should look onto me

And I too should him see

If he cries let it be

It should be welcome rather

We all shall at times gather

And give our tears a try

Me and my sky

A Poet Is Half Light

Let the poet be a poet, let him be a light

Light knows only to radiate the world

With luster; equanimous without bias

What does he want to borrow

He is equanimous in both

The happiness and sorrow

Let the poet be light in the darkness

Let letters of the poem be read

I don’t know what to read in that light

Light is just a light self-made

You can read whatever you want

He is mute and irrational; receives you

Whoever you may be, it’s no issue

The poet can’t write that to you

Whatever you may want

The poet does not understand you

Your rebukes and reprimand

Because you are far away

The backstage is your abode, twirled

And the poet is the breath of the world

He can be seen near your house and in the streets

Maybe he is your hope and eyesight

But he cannot be either irrational betwixt

So, a poet is only half of the light

May 25, 2021 Bhaktapur Nepal

©® pokharel.santosh@gmail.com

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