الرئيسية | Vagues | Wave of love | Camilla Maria Cederna

Wave of love | Camilla Maria Cederna

: Camilla Maria Cederna

Close your eyes

Feel the mind with images and

colors of the lakes

Feel the wind through the wild

wild forests trees

Feel the skin

The million creatures heat

And breathe



Deep inside into

Your mother earth heart beat

Where are you beloved daughters


?Where are you sons

?And brothers, sisters, now

Close your eyes

And fly

Over desert mountains, ice

Rivers filled with blood and tears

Fly into the moonlight

Touch the sky

The infinite beauty of the stars

Like a lover, loose your mind!

Kiss the universe

And rise

Over the silence and the sun

Up above wasteland of despair

And the fallen suffering human



,Up above lonely valleys, oceans


As a reborn human being

Heart of freedom

Soul of hope

Do not drown

Rise and rise and rise

Up above

Chaos, creativity

And love

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