Dimarys Águila García, (August 15, 1979, Güira de Melena, Artemisa, Cuba). Writer (poet). Press Correspondent for the Argosis International Information Agency, director of its Cultural Movement and director of the Editora Argos Iberoamericana, from the Argosis International Information Agency on the Web.It belongs to the José Martí Cultural Society. He was part of the Literary Workshop “Yugo and Estrellas” ”by Güira de Melena, was a founding member of the Literary Workshop Provincial of the Artemisa province. Professor of literary workshops. Manager of community projects. Coordinator in Cuba since 2019 of the Festival International Grito de mujer, where she has participated in the 9th, 10th and 11th International Poetry and Art Festival “Grito de Mujer” (2019, 2020 and 2021).He was a member of the jury, of the National Contest of Décima Francisco Riverón, Cuba, 2021. Representative in Havana Cuba of Latin American Poetic Art (APL). Collaborator of the Chilean Es-Kupe Magazine, where she leads the column “Art and culture”. She has obtained prizes in literary workshop meetings, received the International Prize, Unique Prize “La Pluma de Oro de 14k”, Perú 2021, and has received internationally reconnaissace. Its works has been translated into other languages and was worthy of being included among the best letters in the world, 2021. She participated in some events national and international has also been given to Get to know through national newspapers His work appears collected in some the anthologies in side in the country and out of the country his books “Al Derecho y al Revés”, “The secret of parks “, (Poetic Anthology) and” In four walls “(erotic poetry) was published by Editorial Argos Iberoamérica, (2019 and 2020)
The most faithful departed
It was that afternoon when I saw you die
tight to my chest
I was hurt
to dress in gauze to your door
to suture the flesh that pretended to go out of his way
and sought help in the final breath of a bottle
It was time to cry for the dead
the most faithful departed
pink fur
with useless bones
for tears that ceased to serve
And do you think a kiss would kill me
The house was the grave
the common grave where the dead remains are thrown
that no one can rebuild
It was the grave the house
where he asked for protection from death
the temple dedicated to Hades
washed my soul between cups
bitter coffee
The house above all
it was still a grave
a mood appendix
dedicated to storing lingerie
with traces of semen
The house was always my grave
where should I have kept
just to be pure
I wanted to go naked to your love party
You can come naked to my love party
I will dress you with caresses
Ruben Martinez Villena
I wanted to go naked to your love party
to sharpen my breasts inside your mouth
your mouth, always your mouth
the one my breasts invented
to fincar with pressure or to turn the edge
I wanted to go naked to your love party
astride sow the wheat
that grows to imprecise shock
against the limit of my legs
so native to you
I wanted to go naked to your love party
and drop me on your scrotum
to the beat of your chords
and accompany your music with my moans
I wanted to go naked
but you were chaste
you were telling me about lilies and white roses
I did not understand the language of the Saints
I did not know that purity existed
inside a man
legendarily impure