الرئيسية | Vagues | WOMAN | Sosonjan A. Khan – Brunei

WOMAN | Sosonjan A. Khan – Brunei

Sosonjan A. Khan has been consistently writing short stories, poems, novels and essays. To date, she has produced over 485 poems, 575 short stories, joined more than 120 poems and short stories’ anthology around the world, and she is also a scriptwriter for several short movie and series, stage plays and song lyrics. Her works have appeared in 57 countries. On top of that, she was a recipient of prizes and awards in participation and achievement in Brunei and abroad


 It is as

 what you want

 as an orchid

 or a lotus

 as a gem

 or a glass

 as a gold

 or a stone

 as a servant

 or a queen

 you are free

 to put value on your self

 You’re a woman

 who have to walk out

 from the prison of tears

 don’t let the world put a price on you

 as you are the one

 who must choose

 either to be sand or to be a pearl

 whether to be

 thorns or be

 an empress

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