الرئيسية | أخبار | MARTYRS OF HUMAN FOOLISHNESS | Maria Miraglia – Italy


Educationist, poet, translator, essayist and peace activist. Maria. A, Miraglia was born and lives in Italy but considers herself a cosmopolitan. She graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures, got a master’s degree  in Evaluation and School Orientation  from the Aldo Moro University of Bari, got a master’s degree in Modular Education from the Uni3  of Rome and later on,  an HLC  certification from the Trinity College of Edinburgh; a certification for English at the Piccadilly High House of London. Teacher  of foreign languages in public high secondary schools, a ministerial lecturer for  English language teachers

For long an active member of Amnesty International for the defence of human rights, member of Ican for the abolition of nuclear weapons, member of the Observatory for Human rights, Deputy President-Coordination, at the child rights global organization, United World Movement for Children(UWMC)- Kenya; she herself founder and chairwoman of World Foundation for Peace

Dr Maria Miraglia is a founding member and Literary Director of the Italian Cultural Association Pablo Neruda, honorary member of Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Columbia;  Presidente de la Organization Mundial de los Trovatores,  Chile; Director cum Chief Executive Office for Vibes- India, Vice president of IWA Bodgani, Kossovo; member of several international editorial boards

She collaborates for poetry with national international magazines. Her poems are translated into several languages and collected in numberless anthologies all over the world. Author of works in Italian, English or both languages. Some of her poetry collections have been translated into Romanian, Albanian, Telugu and Arabic

Among her recent anthologies Star Dust published by  Le Mezzelane, Ancona -Italy 2018 and Confluence published by The Poetry Society of India -2019, Gurugnam, India; Tra Realtà e Sogno, Quorum Edizioni- Italia; Labirinto di Pensieri 2020 Le Mezzelane, Ancona Italia

She is the recipient of several recognitions and awards

The way Dr Maria Miraglia plays with words, ideas and their essence makes immortal also simple experiences of life. Maria is a poet who sees poetry as a means by which to build bridges among distant countries, a tool that can allow the removal of barriers and preconceptions offering the possibility of discovering common denominations, of showing that men have more things in common than can divide them



Light lamps and candles

to show the way

to the Pakistani children

so they can fly to the Heaven

as a flock of birds

Gather around their mothers

to share their pains and sorrows

they will keep close

till the end of their days

bent on their wombs

once shelters of the tender lives

The sky darkened

women and men on earth

in holy silence

for the massacre and the horror

could sense the fear

of the little martyrs

of the human foolishness

hear their cries

imagine the violated bodies

the tears of their mothers

their eternal mourning

in the name of a god

nobody knows

in the name of hate and revenge

The angels vigorously

flapping their wings

in disapproval

ask men to join

and shout loud

their outrage and indignation

May the sky open

move the mountains

open the oceans

fall the rain in torrents

ring the bells from everywhere

to awaken men

to peace and brotherhood

نبذة حول الشاعرة ماريا ميراغليا Maria Mirgalia

تربوية وشاعرة ومترجمة وكاتبة مقالات وناشطة سلام ،ماريا ميراغلياولدت وتعيش في إيطاليا.

عضو نشط في منظمة العفو الدولية ، من Ican ، من مرصد حقوق الإنسان ، نائبة الرئيس للتنسيق ، في المنظمة العالمية لحقوق الطفل ، الحركة العالمية المتحدة للأطفال (UWMC) ، كينيا ، وهي نفسها مؤسِّسة ورئيسة المؤسسة العالمية للسلام .منظمة بابلو نيرودا,شاعرةوعضو في عدة هيئات تحرير دولية.

تتعاون في مجال الشعر مع المجلات الوطنية والدولية. تُرجمت قصائدها إلى عدة لغات وجمعت في مختارات لا حصر لها. من بين مجموعاتها الشعرية الأخيرة غبار نجمي،2018 ؛ ملتقى -2019 ؛ بين الواقع والحلم ومتاهة الأفكار 2020. حصلت على العديد من الجوائز.

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