الرئيسية | Vagues | Life | Sharmila Poudel – Nepal

Life | Sharmila Poudel – Nepal

. Sharmila Poudel was born 5 May 1989 in Pokhara Nepal

She started her schooling in Pokhara Nepal then higher study in India. she is a social worker, Educational person and she loves to help society, needy people who are in pain and doing struggle to achieve the goal. She is a psychology researcher too. Sharmila is a member of the International Relation Council. She loves to write a poem and she says that poetry is the mirror of society from  where many readers and people can know the depth of life



Life is a journey of ups and down

It is a part of the earth, the wind, and the rain

Life can be the sunshine on peaceful days

Life can be the heaven

That will only reach through hell

Life is just a stepping stone

A pause before we make it home

A simple place to rest and be

Until we reach eternity

Everyone has a life journey

Has a good or bad memories

Love is a lesson in life

Life has a beautiful story

Live a life filled with love

Life is a paradise

Sun gives light to life

Moon gives shade to life

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