الرئيسية | Vagues | Licider’s Heart | Marija Najthefer Popov – Serbia

Licider’s Heart | Marija Najthefer Popov – Serbia

Marija Najthefer Popov was born in Serbia on March 11, 1958. So far, she has been published in mor than two hundred joint, domestic and international poetry collections; published in an extremely large number of domestic and foreign magazines and literary sites

In 2018, she published her first book  I WRITE A WOMAN

This poetic book explains the world of women, creativity, existence and love, elegance and meaning that direct and give all the colors of life

The author, within her poetic mission, sees art as a spirit of freedom and lyrics, nature as a trace of that splendor that enables the merging of its elements with the spiritual world

The author has received numerous high international ratings and awards; it has been translated into many foreign languages

She is currently preparing for future publications and is working on other synergies in various cultural journals and international anthologies. She is currently engaged as the Author of the grandiose ANTHOLOGY 2021 / SERBIA with the participation of over 350 eminent poets of contemporary poetry from Serbia and around the world

She is a member of many literary and poetic associations, an honorary member, president, ambassador of peace in the world

She is a great advocate of love and friendship, respect and esteem of all people without distinction, and he believes that poetry is a language that unites the whole world and does not make a difference

.Being a poet is a gift from God and a Blessing

.She lives and works in Zrenjanin, Serbia


  Licider’s Heart


I saw yours heart

…Glass jingles with colorful lies

,Plastic roses are embellished

,Over your head

Though you pretend to walk on

,The paved paths yet your heart is not dilated

,To the impersonal crowd

Your words incorporate

…That you don’t serve humanity

,I remember pictures of the Giants

…Words they spoke spilled like pearls

,Still I recognize them

.They had heads like moons

,When you pass by

,They come down to perpetuate you

.To lend you their radiance

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