الرئيسية | Vagues | Light on the Walls of Life | Lidia Chiarelli – Italy

Light on the Walls of Life | Lidia Chiarelli – Italy

Lidia Chiarelli is one of the Charter Members of  Immagine & Poesia, the art literary Movement founded in Torino (Italy) in 2007 with Aeronwy Thomas, Dylan Thomas’ daughter

Installation artist and collagist. Coordinator of #DylanDay in Italy (Turin)

She has become an award-winning poet since 2011 and she was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from The First International Poetry Festival of Swansea (U.K.) for her broadside poetry and art contribution. Awarded with the Literary Arts Medal – New York 2020

Six Pushcart Prize (USA) nominations. Mario Merz (Italy) Nomination for Arts 2020. Grand Jury Prize at Sahitto International Award 2021

Her writing has been translated into different languages and published in more than  150 Poetry magazines, and on web-sites in many countries

Light on the Walls of Life

To Lawrence Ferlinghetti for his 101st birthday


Teach me to paint

the light on the walls of life

Teach me

to look at the world

as you see it

to become a tear of the sun

a hill of poetry

a word in a tree

Lead me

to see the sun

hitting the sheer cliffs

the tides that restlessly ebb and flow

the water birds challenging the wind

Let’s listen together

to the breath of rustling leaves

the perfect hush of a starry night

the sound of summer in the raindrops

Here and now

help me reach the very shores of light

waiting for

the renaissance of wonder

with you

again and forever


Lumière sur les murs de la vie

A Lawrence Ferlinghetti pour son 101 anniversaireApprends-moi à peindre
la lumière sur les murs de la vie
à regarder le monde
comme toi tu le vois
à devenir une larme de soleil
une colline de poésie
un mot dans un arbre

voir le soleil
qui frappe les rochers
les marées qui sans arrêt vont et viennent
les oiseaux de mer qui défient le vent

Ici et maintenant
aide-moi à gagner les rivages de lumière
la renaissance du prodige
avec toi
à nouveau et pour toujours


Traduction de Germain Droogenbroodt – Elisabeth Gerlache

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