الرئيسية | Vagues | BUTTERFLY SOUL | Monsif Beroual

BUTTERFLY SOUL | Monsif Beroual

Shall I fall like a leaf

Broken to pieces for long nights

Or to ignore this colorful song

,That made my life meaningful with your existence

.That illuminates my dawn

I wrote a wish while the leaves fall

Made of eternal magical letters

To spell it for a lifetime

.Asking for eternity place into your heart

Wished if I can hold it for a while

,But with the distance it was a hard to reach

It might be our souls are stronger enough to sneak

,Trying to reach that a noble desire as a butterfly soul

,Because within every breathe

I miss you before we’ve meet

.And I feel you without watching your tears fall

I built this new world

To keep you inside

As the valve holds the balance of my heart

.To not fall for suicide end

.But In both ends I’ll be alive within your heart for eternity sake

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